Role descriptions for members of the area group

All members will:

  • Provide a perspective on local needs
  • Contribute to the area strategic delivery plan
  • Take collective responsibility for decision making
  • Work within the strategic framework and agreed parameters

Lead School Head and other mainstream Heads

  • Act as commissioners of provision and services on behalf of their area
  • Fulfil role of Chair/Vice chair of group (may be Lead School)
  • Lead DSPL School to manage finance and administration of group
  • Lead School or Chair to sit on the County DSPL Reference Group

Special School Head

  • Represent the special school sector as a whole
  • Participate as a service provider
  • Provide perspective on opportunities for developing flexible local provision
  • Identify possible constraints on developments

Early Years Provider

  • Provides early years perspective

Area Manager, ISL

  • Acts as lead local LA officer for DSPL
  • Provide enabling role, giving advice and support to DSPL area group
  • Assist the group to interpret the data and make informed decisions
  • Provide wider county perspective and links with other Areas

ESC Head/Behaviour and Attendance Team Manager

  • Provide overall perspective for behaviour in the area, how well needs are met locally and what developments might be required

EP Team Manager

  • Provide overall perspective for learning difficulties in the area, how well needs are met locally and what developments might be required


  • Provide broad perspective of parental experience